If there’s one brand that everyone recommends when going for a new residential or commercial lawnmower, it is John Deere. With more than a hundred years of experience in the field, the brand has achieved somewhat of a legendary status among enthusiasts.
While many of the top-rated brands focus on high-end mowers that cost an arm and a leg, John Deere tries to keep the price of their lawnmowers affordable. But they also offer some expensive models that deliver top-tier performance if that’s what you’re after.
The John Deere 2010 is one of their earliest creations, and when it first came out, it took the world by storm. With a powerful engine and 8-speed transmission design, it was one of the finest lawn tractors of the time. And these days, while it’s discontinued, you can often find a used model if you know where to look.
Though the unit was a pretty exceptional model, it had a few issues that became apparent as it got older. In this article, I will talk about some of the common problems that can come up in your John Deere 2010 and help you figure out how you can fix them. So, let’s get started.

Common Issues with the John Deere 2010 and How to Fix Them
The John Deere 2010 gets a pretty bad reputation for having a lot of problems. However, in my experience, most of the problems in this model come from poor maintenance and irregular servicing. If you regularly check the engine, clean out the components, and replace fuel, the mower should not show too many issues.
That being said, here are some of the problems that people complained about with their John Deere 2010, along with a complete troubleshooting guide.
1. Engine Problems

Engine trouble is pretty common in any lawn tractor of this caliber. And while it may seem frustrating, fixing a tractor engine that is acting up should become second nature to you. The engine is fixable, but you need to identify the cause behind it first before you can restore it.
Now, the engine in the John Deere 2010 can act up in many different ways. It might stop suddenly when you are using it, or it might even refuse to start at all. And the way the engine reacts should give you an idea of where the problem is coming from.
If your engine is stalling unexpectedly, then it implies that the problem lies with the fuel injection timing. It can also mean that the engine is overheating because of a dirty radiator or a low level of coolant.
In this case, you first need to check the condition of the fuel. If the fuel got stale, then it would throw off the fuel injection timing which will cause your tractor to shut down suddenly. You should also check the filters and the radiator and remove any dirt or debris that you find there.
In addition, if any of the fuel injection nozzles are broken or damaged, this might also result in the same problem. So, make sure you check the condition of the nozzles and replace any damaged parts.
On the other hand, if your engine doesn’t start at all, this means the problem lies with the fuel quality or pump. Check the pump and make sure the fuel level is optimal. You should also only use the right type of fuel with the tractor, as the wrong fuel can often cause engine failures.
Also, take a look at the carburetor and the spark plugs and make sure they are functioning properly. A dirty carburetor can also prevent the engine from starting, so make sure you inspect and clean it if needed. And if the spark plug is damaged, you need to replace them to fix your engine troubles.
2. Hydraulics Troubles

One of the best parts of the lawn tractor is its hydraulic system and three-point hitch, allowing you to use a wide range of attachments with your lawnmower. However, some people complain that the hydraulic system in their tractor is malfunctioning, and the three-point hitch is stuck in a position.
The John Deere 2010 is designed to use a specific type of hydraulic fluid. And if you use the wrong kind, it can overheat, causing the entire system to act up. So, the first thing to do here is to replace the contaminated fluid. Make sure you drain the old fluid properly and clean out the hydraulic pump before you pour fresh fluid.
Another possibility here is that the hydraulic pump is damaged. You can usually tell if the pump is damaged by looking for cracks or leaks. If you find any, you have to replace the pump, and that should fix the hydraulic issues in your John Deere 2010 lawn tractor.
3. Steering Issues

Another common complaint that many users reported with their John Deere 2010 have to do with its steering controls. Some say that the steering wheel has too much slack all of a sudden. On the other hand, some find that their steering wheel gets stuck and does not turn at all.
In either case, you need to start with a thorough inspection of the overall steering system. A quick inspection of the hydraulic pump should tell you if there are any signs of damage. If the pump has cracks in it or any leaks, you should replace it right away.
On the other hand, a tight steering wheel indicates there may not be enough steering fluid in the box, or air got into the steering box. First, try applying some steering fluid and see if that fixes things. If not, then you need to bleed the steering system to drive the air out.
Of course, there’s always a chance that the steering box is damaged and well beyond repair. In that case, your only option is to replace it entirely.
4. Battery Won’t Hold Charge

Typically, when you take your tractor out of the garage after a long winter, you need to recharge the battery. The battery naturally drains itself when you don’t use your tractor. But sometimes, even after recharging it, you will find that the battery drains itself for no reason at all.
To fix this problem, the first thing you need to do is access the battery and check the wiring and connections around it. It might simply be a case of poor connection preventing the battery from charging to full, which is causing it to drain fast. If you find any loose wiring, tighten them.
If the problem persists, then usually, that means you have a dead battery in your hands. In that case, you need to change the battery. Check for any signs of corrosion around the battery terminals. That is a clear sign that you need to replace the battery.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s amazing how many people still look for the 2010 lawnmower by John Deere, even when it’s been discontinued for years. And the weird thing is many options do turn up in the second-hand market. If you found one, but are having second thoughts about getting it, perhaps the following FAQ section will help you make your decision.
1. Is the John Deere 2010 a reliable lawn tractor?
The John Deere 2010 lawn tractor boasts a heavy-duty engine, a sturdy chassis, and a versatile structure, making it a great choice for any sort of project. You can use it for rowing crops, even in an industrial setting. While it may not be as great as some of the more expensive mowers available today, it’s still a pretty fine choice for personal use.
2. When was the John Deere 2010 discontinued?
The John Deere 2010 first came out in 1960 as part of the New Generation series by the brand. It had a solid run for around five years until the brand decided to go a different direction with its future models. Eventually, the production of the John Deere 2010 was stopped in 1965.
Final Thoughts
The John Deere 2010 lawn tractor was generations ahead of its time, offering amazing power on demand and an unprecedented level of versatility. And though it was eventually discontinued to make way for better and more efficient options, it’s still a fine choice for a residential setting.
Of course, this also means you might need to take care of it a bit more. Replacement parts might be difficult to procure, and the best way to get the most out of them is to service them regularly. That way, you won’t have to worry about replacing damaged components in your lawnmower.
I hope my article on the different John Deere 2010 problems could help you restore your mower to its former glory. Good luck!