Scotts DiseaseEx is a fungicide that is designed to protect lawns from common fungal diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, and rust. This product is formulated with two active ingredients, azoxystrobin and propiconazole, which work together to prevent the spread of disease on your lawn.
Scotts DiseaseEx is available in granular and liquid formulations, making it a versatile option for lawn care.
Watering in lawn care products is an essential step in ensuring their effectiveness. When a product is applied to the surface of the lawn, it needs to penetrate the soil to reach the roots, where it can provide the most benefit.
Watering in a product helps to activate it and allows it to work more effectively, helping to control pests, diseases, and weeds.
In addition, watering in products can also help to prevent them from being washed away or evaporating before they have a chance to work. Overall, proper watering in of lawn care products is crucial for maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn.

What is Scotts DiseaseEx?
Scotts DiseaseEx is a lawn fungicide that is designed to prevent and control fungal diseases on lawns. This product is formulated to stop the spread of common lawn diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot, and rust.
It works by creating a protective barrier on the grass blades that prevents the growth and spread of fungal spores. This product is ideal for use on lawns, including residential and commercial properties, golf courses, and athletic fields.
Active ingredients
Scotts DiseaseEx contains two active ingredients, azoxystrobin and propiconazole.
Azoxystrobin is a broad-spectrum fungicide that works by inhibiting the respiration process of fungal cells.
Propiconazole is another fungicide that works by disrupting the cell membrane of the fungus, making it more vulnerable to other control measures.
Together, these active ingredients provide a powerful solution for controlling and preventing fungal diseases on your lawn.
Common usage and application
Scotts DiseaseEx is available in both granular and liquid formulations, making it a versatile option for lawn care.
The granular form is ideal for larger lawn areas and can be applied using a spreader.
The liquid form is ideal for spot treatments or small lawn areas and can be applied using a hose-end sprayer or backpack sprayer.
Scotts DiseaseEx should be applied as directed on the label and should be used at the first sign of fungal disease or as a preventative measure. It is important to note that this product should not be applied during periods of drought or when the lawn is stressed.
Does Scotts DiseaseEx Need to be Watered In?

There is some conflicting information regarding whether Scotts DiseaseEx needs to be watered in after application.
Some sources suggest that the product can be applied to dry or damp foliage and does not require watering in, while others suggest that watering in is necessary for the product to be effective.
Research-based approach
According to the Scotts website, Scotts DiseaseEx needs to be watered in to become activated. Watering in the product helps to ensure that it reaches the root zone where it can provide the most benefit.
Research has shown that watering in lawn care products can help to increase their efficacy and reduce the risk of washout or runoff.
Recommendations from experts
Experts recommend that Scotts DiseaseEx be watered in after application. This can be done by irrigating the lawn or waiting for a rainfall event. Watering in the product helps to ensure that it penetrates the soil and reaches the root zone, where it can provide the most benefit.
Additionally, experts suggest applying Scotts DiseaseEx during cooler periods of the day to reduce the risk of product evaporation and increase the effectiveness of the product.
Tips for Applying Scotts DiseaseEx
Optimal application timing
The optimal time to apply Scotts DiseaseEx is during periods of active fungal growth or as a preventative measure before disease appears.
It is recommended to apply the product in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to reduce the risk of product evaporation.
It is important to avoid applying the product during periods of drought or when the lawn is stressed.
Pre-application lawn preparation
Before applying Scotts DiseaseEx, it is important to prepare the lawn properly. This includes
- mowing the lawn to the recommended height, removing any debris or thatch
- clearing the lawn of any obstacles that may interfere with the application process.
- It is also recommended to water the lawn thoroughly a day or two before applying the product to ensure that the soil is moist and the grass blades are not dry.
Steps for proper watering in
To ensure proper watering in of Scotts DiseaseEx,
- it is recommended to water the lawn immediately after application or wait for a rainfall event.
- The lawn should be watered deeply to ensure that the product reaches the root zone,
- the water should be allowed to soak in for at least 24 hours before mowing or performing any lawn care activities.
So how much water is needed to water in Scotts Disease Ex?
The answer depends on several factors, such as the type of soil, the weather conditions, and the severity of the disease.
Generally speaking, you should water your lawn with enough water to moisten the top 2 inches of soil.
This may require about 0.5 inch of water, which can be measured by placing a rain gauge or a tuna can on your lawn. You can also check the soil moisture by inserting a screwdriver or a finger into the soil. If it goes in easily, the soil is moist enough.
When should you water in Scotts Disease Ex?
Ideally, you should water your lawn within 24 hours of applying Scotts Disease Ex. However, if rain is expected within 24 hours, you do not need to water your lawn manually.
In fact, rain can help wash the product into the soil and activate it faster. On the other hand, if there is no rain in the forecast, you should water your lawn as soon as possible after applying Scotts Disease Ex. Do not wait too long or the product may lose its effectiveness or wash off from the grass blades.
Final Words
In conclusion, following these tips for applying Scotts DiseaseEx can help to ensure that the product is applied correctly and provides the best results for controlling and preventing fungal diseases on your lawn. Proper application timing, pre-application preparation, and watering in procedures are essential steps in maintaining a healthy and disease-free lawn.